Hipstitch in the News
Hipstitch is always honored to be featured in the local press! Check out these articles to learn more about who we are and what we do:
Hipstitch Brookline Celebrates One Year - Brookline HUB, February 2023
Learn about what makes the Hipstitch Brookline studio unique in this interview with Eva Brazer, the Brookline studio manager. Hipstitch Brookline offers more than just kids classes, they also host adult and family workshops. In this article Eva describes the Hipstitch mission and the wonderful Brookline community.
Episode #207: Starting a Children’s Craft Studio with Nicola Day of Hipstitch - Craft Industry Alliance Podcast, December 2021
The Craft Industry Alliance has dedicated itself to being a resource for the unique needs of professionals and organizations within the Craft Industry. Its co-founder, Abby Glassenberg, speaks with Hipstitch founder and owner Nicola Day in this episode about her personal background and the inspiration behind Hipstitch. Listen to learn more about our history.
Wellesley Wonders: Hipstitch - Wellesley Public Media, September 2021
In this interview Amanda Wagreich, the manager at our Wellesley studio, explains what it means when we call Hipstitch a fiber art studio. She details the variety of classes offered for children, teens, and parents as well as the option to take private lessons or host a birthday party. Watch the video for more information and a tour of the Wellesley studio and store.
Wellesley Business Buzz: Hipstitch sewing & knitting studio coming to Church Square; WHS seniors with insider knowledge launch Akston Tutoring; Custom Ink opens in Linden Square - The Swellesley Report, March 2021
With so many people taking advantage of the Covid-19 quarantine by using their free time to pursue creative hobbies, Hipstitch has met the demand increase by opening studios in Wellesley and Brookline. Read the article to find more information about why we expanded to these locations.
How you can protect yourself from coronavirus without cutting into the stockpile for first responders - WHDH 7 News Boston, April 2020
This article features Hipstitch and the contributions that we made to help protect the public during the coronavirus pandemic. Read the article to learn how Hipstitch armed local sewers with the skills and materials needed to provide masks to their communities.
Making sewing hip at Hipstitch; sharing happiness at Happier - WCVB, November 2013
In this interview, Nicola Day, the owner and founder of Hipstitch, details her goal of redefining sewing as an enjoyable pastime and “hip” skill to possess. Watch the video to hear more about her journey to making this vision a reality.
Hipstitch Employees Share Passion for Sewing - The Newtonite, September 2012
Students at Newton North High School give a first hand account in their school newspaper of what it is like to work at Hipstitch, speaking highly of their experience teaching sewing to children. In the article you can find more information about the countless benefits of children learning sewing from teens at Hipstitch, benefits experienced by both the children and teens.